Montreal, QC – CQDM is pleased to announce the launch of the Factory School, led by CASTL (The Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences), in collaboration with several educational institutions. The Factory School will offer specialized training programs in RNA manufacturing to workers already in the industry as well as scientists, and university and college students.
The RNA Therapy Factory School will enable students to acquire knowledge and skills specific to RNA therapies and their production environment. It will offer practical training on state-of-the-art equipment in an environment that simulates reality, combined with compliance with biopharmaceutical good manufacturing practice (GMP).
The Factory School will develop and offer training courses that include both theoretical and practical aspects. These courses will include classroom training, virtual sessions, and practical in a real environment, particularly in a clean room. It will cover the entire continuum of disciplines from degree courses to doctorates, promoting retraining, and contributing to employability through continuous training modules and additional academic training.
All the information on this initiative, as well as on the other initiatives of the Quebec RNA Unit, is available on the AReNA website: www.arenapole.ca and on the CASLT website: www.castlcanada.ca
Quebec is fortunate to have world-class researchers developing RNA-based therapies. With projects like this, Quebec will continue to make a mark worldwide in this strategic sector. Pierre Fitzgibbon |
The establishment of the training for mRNA therapies marks a significant milestone in our commitment to fostering innovation and excellence in the life sciences sector. By providing specialized technical training and hands-on experience with CASTL’s state-of-the-art biopharmaceutical manufacturing equipment, we are not only preparing a highly skilled workforce but also driving the advancement of mRNA therapy production in Quebec and beyond. Penny Walsh-McGuire |
We are absolutely delighted to be working with CASTL, a Canadian leader in the development of life science skills. This new initiative responds to a pressing need expressed by all the stakeholders throughout the RNA chain. Diane Gosselin |
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About AReNA:
Established through the collaborative efforts of ARN Québec, Axelys, CQDM, and Montréal InVivo, AReNA aims to unite and champion Quebec's leading players in the RNA therapy sector. Our mission is to position Quebec as a hub of excellence in this field, both nationally and internationally, fostering growth and innovation in the region. Working closely with key stakeholders in Quebec's RNA sector, AReNA seeks to maximize its impact through strategic collaboration. For more information, please visit: www.arenapole.ca/en/ and follow us: https://arenapole.ca/en/#newsletter
About CASTL:
The Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL) is a national skills and training organization formed to address the talent needs of the Canadian life sciences sector. Specializing in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, CASTL delivers on the economic and sectoral demand for individuals who have the technical skills to enter, thrive and meet the needs of the fast-growing Canadian biomanufacturing industry. With multiple GMP-like biomanufacturing training facilities, CASTL provides industry informed practical hands-on training, theoretical knowledge and e-learning. CASTL is the exclusive provider of the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research and Training (NIBRT) licensed training programs in Canada. Based in Ireland, NIBRT develops and delivers state-of-the-art training and education programs for the world’s leading biopharmaceutical manufacturing companies and partner academic institutions. CASTL is supported by National Lead Partner adMare BioInnovations and its adMare Academy. The adMare Academy is dedicated to providing the specialized training required to foster the next generation of highly qualified personnel who will drive the growth of Canadian life science companies. www.castlcanada.ca
About CQDM:
A biopharma innovation facilitator
CQDM is a nonprofit biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to support and facilitate multi-party collaborative R&D aimed at accelerating the translation or transformation of innovative technologies into solutions addressing unmet medical needs, while generating significant benefits for the economies of Quebec and Canada. For more information, please visit: www.cqdm.org
Media Contact:
Julia Serafino
Coordinator Communications and Marketing