This article is part of a series that celebrates some of the many success stories that have emerged from Elevate, CASTL’s national biomanufacturing training program. This is Diae el Azhari's story.
The Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL), a national initiative to address the future skills needs of the fast-growing biomanufacturing sector, has launched its 2025 Training Course Catalogue.
This article is part of a series that celebrates some of the many success stories that have emerged from Elevate, CASTL’s national biomanufacturing training program. This is Nayana Vayalil's story.
The Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL) is pleased to announce the launch of the CASTL BioWorks Training Program, an initiative funded by Upskill Canada, powered by Palette Skills, and the Government of Canada.
The Canadian Alliance for Skills and Training in Life Sciences (CASTL) is pleased to announce the successful design and delivery of its customized training program for BIOVECTRA’s biomanufacturing operations specializing in mRNA/pDNA therapeutics.
After earning a molecular biology degree, Mauricio Romero felt he lacked practical skills needed to find a biomanufacturing job until he joined CASTL’s Elevate program. This flexible and affordable training program gave him the practical skills to secure a role at Phyton Biotech. Mauricio’s story is part of a series that celebrates some of the many success stories from the CASTL Elevate program.
This article is part of a series that celebrates some of the many success stories that have emerged from CASTL"s PEI Bioscience Reskilling Program. This is Lobna Eltaher' story.
CASTL is excited to announce the launch of a new course, "Essentials of Viral Safety and Clearance," offered in partnership with Asahi KASEI BIOPROCESS.